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List of Resources: Resilience Evaluation, Analysis and Learning (REAL) Award

Sector Type:
Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction | Resilience Assessments & Measurement | Evaluation | Monitoring | Research | Maternal Health & Nutrition | Adapting | Capacity Strengthening | Learning | Agriculture and Livelihoods | Financial Services | Market Systems | Social Cohesion
Year Published:

Seed Systems

About Seed aid is on the rise around the globe, in both emergency and non-emergency contexts. But what informs implementers’ decisions when selecting context-appropriate seed responses? How can seed aid be more effective, premised on farmers’ preferences and needs while supporting market systems? The USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)-funded PRO-WASH & SCALE Award has partnered with organizations such as SeedSystem and Integrated Seed Sector Development in Africa (ISSD Africa) to develop and adapt a suite of learning materials, technical tools, case studies and capacity strengthening resources to support effective seed system interventions. These resources, featured below, can support your