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An image of the cover page of the "Hybrid Events: A Guidance" resource

Hybrid Events: A Guidance

Indigenous Peoples Knowledge
Sector Type:
Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting
Year Published:

Small Grant Launch: Understanding GAYA's Program Improvement Award

Do you have an idea of how gender and youth data can be better integrated into development and emergency food security, resilience, and emergency response activities? GAYA recently launched a request for applications (RFA) for Performance Improvement Award small grants. Join this webinar to learn more about the RFA and hear answers to frequently asked questions. Open to current and former implementing partners of development and emergency food security, resilience, and emergency response activities, this RFA is seeking applications for ideas that support the development, testing, packaging, and sharing of process improvements, innovations, and/or research to improve the collection and

GAYA Small Grants Program

The GAYA Small Grants Program aims to address key issues within the collection, analysis, and use of data on gender and youth within BHA’s development and emergency food security, resilience, and emergency response activities. The awards under this RFA will consist of Program Improvement Awards funded up to USD $240,000 for up to a 24-month period.

REAL Resilience Dashboard

The REAL Award's interactive Resilience Dashboard explores a synthesis of resilience data in an accessible and practical format. This data visualization tool helps measure and analyze the results of resilience-strengthening interventions and humanitarian assistance provided to households in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Niger, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and Nepal.

Africa Regional Launch of the SEADS Standards

Join ICRC and Tufts University for the Africa regional launch of the SEADS Minimum Standards for Supporting Crop-related Livelihoods in Emergencies. SEADS is a set of evidence-based international principles and minimum standards that support the design, implementation, and evaluation of crop-related crisis responses. SEADS is the newest member of the Humanitarian Standards Partnership, a collaboration between standards initiatives to improve quality and accountability in humanitarian response that includes the Sphere standards.