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Markets & Livelihoods: SCALE Award Resources Showcase Series - Part II

Join the SCALE Award's 3-part “Resources Showcase” Series for an overview of what we did and learned over five years of working with the food security community on seed systems, markets & livelihoods, and resilient agriculture. We’ll make sure you leave each session knowing the tools, training materials and research studies we created, what we learned, and how you can continue to find and engage with these resources going forward. This event will be held in English with French interpretation. Resource Showcase 2: Markets & Livelihoods | November 2, 2022 | 9:00-10:15am ET Given the multiple overlapping crises that many

Resilient Agriculture: SCALE Award Resources Showcase Series - Part III

Join the SCALE Award's 3-part “Resources Showcase” Series for an overview of what we did and learned over five years of working with the food security community on seed systems, markets & livelihoods, and resilient agriculture. We’ll make sure you leave each session knowing the tools, training materials and research studies we created, what we learned, and how you can continue to find and engage with these resources going forward. This event will be held in English with French interpretation. Resource Showcase 3: Resilient Agriculture | November 9, 2022 | 8:00-9:30am ET Around the globe, smallholder farmers and rural communities

Permagarden Foundations Course

VERSION FRANÇAISE About Throughout the world, households struggle to produce enough food and nutrients. Land degradation, poor soil fertility, little access to water, and a lack of access to inputs all combine to result in consistently low yields for smallholders, and this is exacerbated by climate change and conflict. Food security programs seek solutions to increase the availability, access, and use of safe and nutritious food for those suffering from hunger and malnutrition. Often, programs promote home gardens as part of the solution to this problem. However, gardens can only be successful in the longer term if they address key