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Make Me a Change Agent: An SBC Resource for WASH, Agriculture, and Livelihoods Activities

About The Make Me a Change Agent training is designed for community-level workers who work on agriculture, livelihoods, and WASH-related activities and who engage with communities on behavior change and adoption of new techniques and practices. The resources below aim to help community-level workers strengthen fundamental skills and techniques around communication, negotiation, and facilitation. Although these resources are targeted at supporting the successful and sustainable implementation of agriculture, livelihoods, and WASH activities, the skills can help staff and volunteers in any sector become more effective as an agent of behavior change. The training manual and corresponding resources are based on

WASH Capacity Strengthening and Learning

Join PRO-WASH and Causal Design for a discussion on WASH capacity strengthening and learning. PRO-WASH recently commissioned Causal Design to carry out a final project evaluation of PRO-WASH. Topline recommendations from this evaluation will be shared with the broader WASH capacity strengthening and learning community during this event. This will be followed by participatory discussions around what the findings mean for the broader community and brainstorming ideas for governance structures and meaningful localization. This event will be in English with French interpretation. Watch Recording

HuMEL: Promoting Locally-Led MEAL in Emergencies

Join the HuMEL (Humanitarian Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning) peer community for a session that will focus on Promoting Locally Led MEAL in Emergencies. In this session, participants will discuss strategies and approaches based on local contexts. Implementing partners from Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and International Medical Corps (IMC) will share their experience on: Building capacity for MEAL efforts through local organizations Challenges of local capacity building in emergency situations HuMEL, a peer community supported by IDEAL, is designed to leverage expertise and experience to increase knowledge sharing in the emergency and humanitarian community. View Presentation Watch Recording