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Responding to Food System Disruptions: Lessons Learned from a Global Coronavirus Food Safety Task Force

This webinar, hosted by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Safety, will explore best practices for responding to food safety challenges and lessons learned by the coronavirus task force. During the pandemic’s first year, the task force of food safety experts was created using a “train the trainer” approach to provide risk mitigation outreach for the food system workforce in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Kenya, Nepal, and Senegal. Through live, online office hours and downloadable, translated resources, the team countered misinformation and shared best practices to keep food businesses open.

GAYA Implementing Partner Survey

Survey on Gender and Youth Integration Annually, the Gender and Youth Activity (GAYA) conducts a survey of implementers on their gender and youth knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Through participation in this survey, respondents share valuable insights on gender and youth integration challenges and successes. In both 2022 and 2023, over 600 implementers worldwide responded to this survey. GAYA compiles these results to showcase important trends and highlight evidence-based recommendations for implementers. 2023 Survey Results In July 2023, GAYA conducted its second annual survey on gender and youth integration, which implementers from around the world completed voluntarily (resulting in a non-random

Événement d'apprentissage IMPEL : Leçons tirées de l'application de plans expérimentaux et quasi-expérimentaux pour l'évaluation de l'impact des RFSA

Rejoignez-nous pour un riche débat sur l'utilisation de plans expérimentaux et quasi-expérimentaux pour les évaluations d'impact des activités de résilience et de sécurité alimentaire (RFSA). Le Bureau pour l'assistance humanitaire (BHA) de l'USAID discutera de la valeur prévue des évaluations d'impact pour informer les améliorations de la conception des RFSA, et nous apprendrons des chercheurs d'IMPEL et des partenaires de mise en œuvre des RFSA comment ils ont rencontré et surmonté certains défis en lançant des évaluations d'impact pendant la phase de lancement des RFSA. Nos panélistes comprendront des partenaires chercheurs d'IMPEL (Causal Design, Innovations for Poverty Action, International Food

African Green Revolution Conference 2022

The Africa Green Revolution Forum (AGRF), Africa’s premier forum for driving the food and agriculture agenda in the continent, will host its 12th annual summit under the theme “Grow, Nourish, Reward — Bold Actions for Resilient Food Systems” from September 5–9, 2022 in Kigali, Rwanda. Together with the Government of Rwanda and the AGRF Partner’s Group, the AGRF 2022 Summit will provide a platform to reflect on the coordinated large-scale action by leaders, institutions, investors, coalitions, and individuals to accelerate action towards translating commitments made into actionable strategies and progress on the ground. The summit will convene leaders from governments

Leveraging Longer-term Humanitarian Funding for HDP Coherence

The past decades have seen a rise in the number and length of recurrent and protracted crises. Severe drought emergencies are becoming more frequent, while conflict-driven crises now last an average of nine years. As a result, humanitarian operations have grown in volume, cost, and duration. Violent conflict, protracted displacement, climate-related crises, and other factors demand that we change the ways in which humanitarian interventions are delivered in order to meet immediate needs while helping to protect development gains and advance future well-being. The complex and shifting nature of these crises means that peoples’ needs extend far beyond short-term support

Preparing for Shocks: Building Capabilities for Rapid Pivots to Meet Emergency Needs

An increasingly unstable world puts a vast proportion of development program target populations at risk from natural, climate, or conflict-related crises. It is imperative that development actors, ideally, in partnership with humanitarian teams, take every opportunity to use their programming to build resilience to shocks and support risk reduction. These activities prepare for a ‘pivot’ in times of crisis by the implementing partner, but they also build resilience and response capacity in activity participants. This session explored the following questions: Given that shocks should be expected, what are the essential actions that all development teams should undertake to ensure they

Multi-Donor Funding Strategies: Leveraging Donors’ Strengths to Improve HDP Coherence

Most multi-mandate international NGOs construct country-level portfolios consisting of projects funded by a range of different donors. This practice sometimes arises from gaps in one donor’s interest or capacity, and sometimes reflects an opportunity to leverage comparative advantages to produce more coherent and responsive program portfolios. For example, some IPs have been able to implement more HDP coherent programming by layering funding from a donor with a comparative advantage in development, along with donor funding with greater emphasis on humanitarian outcomes. Multi-donor portfolios (whether as part of implementing partner portfolios or through explicitly joint financing) may provide benefits at the