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Integrating Gender into Global Livestock System Development

Join USAID's Bureau for Resilience and Food Security and Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems for a panel discussion featuring experts working at the nexus of gender integration and livestock. Panelists will highlight key, practical, and readily available resources that development practitioners can use to effectively integrate gender in livestock program design and implementation. Panelists will also discuss ongoing research in the field of livestock and gender, including their views on persistent knowledge gaps, developing trends, and other issues on the horizon in the sector.

Reproductive Health Innovation Exchange

This virtual interactive exchange will share the latest interactive solutions that use social and behavior change for service delivery in family planning and reproductive health. The exchange will provide attendees with hands-on opportunities to explore, ask questions, and discuss practical applications of impactful social and behavior change for family planning and reproductive health service delivery activities. It is ideal for donors, government officials, implementers, and researchers working in social and behavior change, service delivery, or family planning/reproductive health. It is ideal for donors, government officials, implementers, and researchers working in social and behavior change, service delivery, or family planning/reproductive health

Critical Considerations for Gender and Youth Integration: Survey Launch

Join GAYA to provide input for the launch of GAYA's upcoming assessment survey on gender and youth integration. During this one-hour webinar, the GAYA team will share information about the upcoming survey around knowledge, attitudes, and practices on gender and youth and are seeking input on what gaps exist. The survey aims to generate a better understanding on internal gender and youth gaps for implementing partners, help define what opportunities will be available through GAYA’s small grants, and contribute to the design of GAYA’s activities, which serves USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance implementing partners. View Presentation- English and French View
Cover page for Market-based Programming and Shelter

Market-Based Programming and Shelter

Global Shelter Cluster & Markets in Crises CoP
Sector Type:
Market Systems | Emergency Response | Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction | Program Design and Management
Year Published: