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QualME: Best Practices for Mixed-Method Data Analysis

Join the QualME (Qualitative Monitoring and Evaluation) peer community for an online discussion on Best Practices for mixed method data analysis, presentation, and application. During the event, presenters from The Institute for Development Impact (I4DI) and Labcorp will discuss: Mixed methods analysis 1) Best practices for how to present qualitative and quantitative results to tell a compelling and evidence-based story. 2) Exploring complex data-sets with interactive visual data analysis tools such as the new Resilience Evaluation, Analysis and Learning (REAL) dashboard which serves as a dynamic alternative to a final report and provides a synthesis of results into an accessible

Cross-Organizational Commitments to Gender and Youth within the Food Crisis

Join GAYA (Gender and Youth Activity) on September 1, 2022, at 8:30 AM ET for a participatory discussion to reflect on lessons learned for gender and youth programming during the last few years of massive global shocks and stresses. In the midst of a worsening food crisis, climate change, and conflict, as well as over two years of COVID-19 changing our world, we are in a pivotal moment to reflect on how to prevent backsliding of progress for gender and youth programming. We have seen the severe impacts of these compounding crises. Gender-based violence, child labor, food insecurity, malnutrition, unpaid

Water and Infrastructure

About Water resources, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure, together provide clean, safe water to communities. This includes water for domestic water supply, and for other water uses such as irrigation. The resources and materials below cover various aspects of water and infrastructure, from water resource management to ensuring drinking water quality. This page is updated on a regular basis by PRO-WASH & SCALE Award. If you interested in learning more about the resources or sharing your own resources, please contact PRO-WASH & SCALE at ( Please visit the PRO-WASH & SCALE page to learn more about additional capacity

Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale Process Dissemination

Self-efficacy, conceptualized as an individual's judgement, or perception, of their own capability to successfully perform a behavior, is widely used to explain and predict behavior. It is considered a factor on the resilience pathway to improved food security and nutrition, and is routinely measured using Bandura’s General Self-Efficacy Scale. In this webinar, Helen Keller Intl will share their approach to developing a culturally informed perceived self-efficacy scale. Working with Bengali, Marma, and Mro ethnic groups in the Chittagong Hill Tracts region of Bangladesh, this approach to perceived self-efficacy used ethnographic techniques adapted from cultural domain analysis, a set of methodologies