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Promising Practices from Recent Multi-Year Humanitarian Activities

This session will highlight the findings of IDEAL’s study on five BHA-funded multi-year humanitarian activities in South Sudan, Nepal, and Somalia. Conducted with implementing partners and BHA focal points who were involved in the implementation of these five activities, the study shares promising practices broken down by the phases of intervention. Read the report. Continuing to examine what can be learned from examples of HDP coherent programming, this event will offer participants an opportunity to learn from multi-year humanitarian activities and reflect on the lessons that can be applied to current and future multi-year humanitarian programming. This event will be

SLAM: Using Qualitative Methods to Increase Gender and Youth Inclusion

Join us for a Strategic Learning & Adaptive Management (SLAM) Meeting on February 6, 2024 focused on using qualitative methods to increase gender and youth inclusion! In August 2023, the Gender and Youth Activity (GAYA) kicked off its Cultivate Fellowship, which supported fellows to design and use qualitative methods to address learning questions exploring the context and interaction of social inclusion and resilience dynamics in their activities. The ultimate goal was to gather information for adaptive management with the potential for transformative change in communities. The fellowship required a collaboration between a staff member from the gender, youth, and/or social

Operationalizing HDP Coherence

Come learn practical examples of humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) coherence “in action.” Implementers featured in our HDP Coherence Practice Note Series will share what worked when delivering interventions across different types of assistance in challenging contexts. Discover how the Albarka activity in Mali and the Biruh Tesfa project and Livelihoods for Resilience activity in Ethiopia worked through local partners and systems and layered their interventions for lasting impact. Learn about CARE Yemen's integrated, conflict-sensitive approach to promote HDP coherence in countrywide programming. You’ll leave this event with actionable practices to apply to your own work and a chance to have some of

Navigating Constraints to Impact Evaluations in Humanitarian Contexts

Join the Humanitarian Assistance Evidence Cycle (HAEC) for the second webinar in the Impact Insights series. Arif Rashid, Design-Monitoring Evaluation and Applied Learning (DMEAL) Division Chief with USAID/BHA, will open this webinar with insights into BHA's focus on data utilization and adaptive management. In line with this approach, the HAEC team will present several key findings from our report, Navigating Constraints to Implementing Impact Evaluations in Humanitarian Settings. We will also hear from three implements on how they have practically addressed three commonly seen challenges and their successful strategies to overcome these challenges. In February 2024, we will then hear