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Fostering Social Cohesion: The Role of Social Networks in HDP Coherence

In this session, participants came together to discuss social networks as a dimension of social cohesion and how understanding, supporting, and strengthening social networks contributes to HDP coherence. First, participants learned from Nile Hope in South Sudan and the ViMPlus activity (ACDI/VOCA) in Burkina Faso about how they are leveraging social networks in their context. Then, CARE and REAL discussed their recent research on informal social protection networks in Yemen and how households are relying on their social networks to cope and survive the protracted crisis. Participants were invited to share their own examples of how social networks are considered

Supporting Successful Transitions to Local Actors

Local actors play a key role in fostering sustainable results across humanitarian, development, and peace assistance work. To enable transitions from international to locally-led development, international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) need to intentionally align with the realities in the communities in which they work, something local actors are often already doing. Stopping As Success (SAS+) is a collaborative learning project which advocates for locally-led development by using evidence from 13 countries to inform responsible INGO transitions. This session explored how two SAS+ partners —Nuru in Kenya and Coffee for Peace in the Philippines— have enhanced local leadership in their context. This
Cover page for 2022 Global Report on Food Crises

2022 Global Report on Food Crises

Global Network Against Food Crises | Food Security Information Network
Sector Type:
Emergency Food Security Assessments/Analyses | Monitoring and Evaluation
Year Published:

2022 Global Food Policy Report: Global Launch

Join IFPRI for the global virtual launch event of their 2022 Global Food Policy Report. During the launch, speakers will highlight key findings in the 2022 report and engage in a panel discussion. The report highlights the urgency of accelerating innovation, reforming policies, resetting market incentives, and increasing financing for sustainable food systems transformation. It sets forth a broad range of policy options for accelerated action by policymakers as well as international forums for policy and investment decision-making.

QualME: Implementing Qualitative Data Collection

Join the QualME (Qualitative Monitoring and Evaluation) Peer Community for a meeting on Qualitative Data Collection. Presenters from Save the Children Colombia and Causal Design will discuss: Data Collection: qualitative interviewing and notetaking best practices; Tips for creating succinct data collection tools; Scorecards: use of information in the community and return of information to the community; and Field logistics and training for qualitative teams including remote trainings best practices. This event will include small group discussions facilitated by QualME core group members. QualME is a peer community supported by IDEAL designed to advance M&E qualitative best practices and tools and

Demonstration of the Sustainable Agriculture Decision Support Tool

Join USAID’s demonstration of the Sustainable Agriculture Decision Support Tool that helps users evaluate the financial and climate impacts of agricultural technologies. This webinar will demonstrate a tool that was developed to assess the financial and climate impacts of alternative agricultural technologies, by accounting for climate forecasts to maximize agricultural and environmental outcomes. The presentation will discuss the pilot application of the tool for two agricultural technologies in Senegal: (1) dual-purpose millet and cowpeas that have higher crop and fodder yields, and (2) dual-purpose crops of millet and cowpeas with farmer-managed natural regeneration (FMNR), which involves nurturing tree growth around

Tackling Gender-Based Violence via Cash and Voucher Assistance

Join the CALP Network to learn more about the implementation of cash assistance within Gender-Based Violence (GBV) responses and how two innovative projects from Ecuador and Colombia approached this challenge. Panelists will share evidence about the impact programming has had on the lives of GBV survivors, and what they have learned as organizations on their journey towards designing and implementing innovative approaches to support survivors of gender-based violence. Participants will gain knowledge on how to apply gender-based violence case management in cash transfer programming and in their humanitarian responses and learn about the tools that could improve their work on