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Stakeholder Consultations

About Originally launched under the Technical and Operational Performance Support (TOPS) Program, Stakeholder Consultations create structured opportunities for implementing partners and USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) to engage with each other on critical issues affecting food security programming and identify solutions. Now organized by IDEAL, these events are highly participatory, interactive exchanges between BHA and implementing partners that provide: An opportunity for BHA and IP peer-to-peer dialogue and mutual problem-solving. A venue for partners and BHA representatives to articulate challenges in a safe learning space and hear challenges faced by others with an open mind. An opportunity for myth-busting

Expression of Interest: SCALE Seeds Learning Group

We are pleased to announce that the USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)-funded SCALE Award is launching a new Seeds Learning Group! Learn More Here About After hosting consultations last year with Implementing Partners and BHA staff to better understand barriers to uptake and use of seed system assessments (SSAs), a few key insights emerged, including the need to support more socialization of SSA tools and resources and to clarify donor guidelines and expectations for SSAs. The Seeds Learning Group will include a series of 4-5 learning and discussion sessions in May and June 2022. The objectives of the Learning Group