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BHAKARI’s Quarterly Report Template with Learning Questions

A man talking with a small group of listeners.
Mercy Corps

This implementer-created tool was contributed by the BHAKARI activity team, operating in Nepal from 2020-2023. The team created this resource when they needed a format for incorporating learning questions and answers into their quarterly reports.

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Nuyok’s Learning to Action Discussion Guide

A room of people in discussion while working at laptops.
Additional Resources:

This implementer-created tool was contributed by the Nuyok activity team, operating in Karamoja, Uganda from 2017-2022. The Learning to Action Discussion guide is a tool for capturing learning, success, challenges, and actions on a quarterly basis.

Download the Guide

Managing Soils to Address Global Challenges

Join the 2022 USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security (USAID/RFS) Research Honorary Lecture, given by 2020 World Food Prize Laureate Rattan Lal. Dr. Lal is recognized globally as a pioneer in soil-centric agricultural management to improve food security and develop climate-resilient agriculture through soil carbon sequestration, sustainable intensification, use efficiency of agroecosystems, sustainable management of soils, and soil health. The lecture and discussion will outline global challenges including food and nutritional insecurity, climate change, soil degradation, water scarcity, and pollution. This presentation will also highlight Dr. Lal’s modeling research for achieving sustainable and resilient production systems to restore soil

Webinar: A self-assessment tool for improved Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Do you want to improve your water, sanitation, and/or hygiene (WASH) program’s Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) policy and practice? There is overwhelming evidence that an intentional focus on gender equality and social inclusion is key to sustainable and effective WASH programming. Co-hosted by Water for Women and the Sanitation Learning Hub (SLH), this event will introduce the Towards Transformation in WASH GESI self-assessment tool. A guide for reflecting on your practice to strengthen GESI in WASH programming and research, as well as in your organization. You might like to take a look at the Self Assessment Tool (SAT)

Market Systems Symposium 2022

The 5th Annual Market Systems Symposium will bring together experts, practitioners, and donors from around the world to advance conversations exploring innovations in research and the application of Market Systems Development (MSD) strategies. The purpose of the Market Systems Symposium is to provide the inspiration and connections you need to strengthen and transform your market systems development practice. Exciting additions in 2022 include pre-Symposium training sessions, the launch of Innovation & Impact awards, scholarship opportunities, extended access to the virtual platform once the event officially ends, and more! Core themes: Food Systems Climate Adaption & Conservation in Market Systems Market