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Webinar: A self-assessment tool for improved Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

 A woman sanitizes her hands
ICSA Agency per Save the Children
9:00am - 10:00am GMT
Water for Women and Sanitation Learning Hub

Do you want to improve your water, sanitation, and/or hygiene (WASH) program’s Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) policy and practice?

There is overwhelming evidence that an intentional focus on gender equality and social inclusion is key to sustainable and effective WASH programming.

Co-hosted by Water for Women and the Sanitation Learning Hub (SLH), this event will introduce the Towards Transformation in WASH GESI self-assessment tool. A guide for reflecting on your practice to strengthen GESI in WASH programming and research, as well as in your organization.

You might like to take a look at the Self Assessment Tool (SAT) tool before attending the webinar, to have time to think of relevant questions.

What we will cover

  • What is the SAT tool?
  • How is it used?
  • Why is it so valuable to GESI in WASH?
  • Reflections on using the tool
  • Q&A

About the tool
The tool provides practical support to anyone working on WASH implementation or research that wants to improve GESI policy and practice.

Its main purpose is to support individual and collective reflection on the extent and quality of GESI work currently in your WASH program, research, and/or organization. This is followed by a process of setting new GESI goals based on these reflections.

The SAT tool is a living resource, created by Water for Women, with refinements from SLH based on their experience using the tool, which is now available to the wider sector for their own use.

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