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QualME Peer Community: Meeting on Qualitative Study Design Decisions

Join the QualME (Qualitative Monitoring and Evaluation) Peer Community for a meeting on Qualitative Study Design Decisions. Participants will discuss: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods: initial design choices starting with purpose and research questions. Design study: crafting appropriate questions for qualitative studies, monitoring and evaluation. Secondary documents: finding resources to support design decisions. This event will include small group discussions facilitated by QualME core group members. QualME is a peer community supported by IDEAL designed to advance M&E qualitative best practices and tools and to share resources among M&E and program staff implementing food security and resilience activities. View Presentation

HuMEL Meeting: Third Party Monitoring

Humanitarian Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (HuMEL) is an emergency M&E learning network centered around the increasingly complex humanitarian context. The purpose of the network is to share lessons learned, methodologies, and experiences between implementers, donors, and other stakeholders with the goal of improving programming. The core content of the next HuMEL meeting is a follow-on from our last HuMEL meeting focused on Accountability to Affected Populations. This month IBTCI will share lessons learned from third-party monitoring in humanitarian assistance context from Yemen, Somalia, and Iraq in a multidimensional look at Complaint Feedback Mechanism awareness and utilization with considerations for your

Achieving Coherence: The HDP Nexus Webinar

Unprecedented and compounded crises, shocks and stresses are impacting the populations USAID and its partners serve. Working together across different types of assistance is more important than ever before for addressing immediate needs and the root causes of our greatest development challenges. Humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) coherence offers a critical step forward in moving beyond silos, prioritizing a common agenda and enhancing coordination across types of assistance in a way that puts local communities and people front and center. USAID's Resilience Leadership Council recently released a new product titled "Programming Considerations for Humanitarian-Development-Peace Coherence: A Note for USAID’s Implementing Partners". This document