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Stakeholder Consultation: Indicator Challenges for Food for Peace-funded Development Food Security Activities

About the Event USAID's Office of Food for Peace (FFP) hosted a stakeholder consultation with The TOPS Program on July 6, 2017, in order to take a deeper look at FFP indicators and what challenges and opportunities they bring. This stakeholder consultation covered topics that resulted from interviews with FSN Network Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Task Force members, as well as other M&E professionals in the community. The three main topics were: The number of indicators How data are used Implementing partner involvement in baselines studies and final evaluation These topics were discussed in-depth among participants both online and in-person

Stakeholder Consultation: FFP Development Food Security Activity Design

As an accompaniment to Food for Peace (FFP) Request for Applications (RFAs), FFP produces a number of analytical and design documents intended to assist applicants in designing development food security activities. These documents include, but are not limited to, the FFP Technical Reference Chapters, country-specific information, market analyses, country desk reviews and environmental fact sheets. Although the future of Title II funding for development food security activities remains uncertain, FFP feels it is important to capture the experience of past RFA applicants in using these materials in order to better understand their effectiveness and utility. Whether in the near-term or

Strengthening Resilience in Niger and Burkina Faso: Results from the RISE I Recurrent Monitoring Surveys 2018-2019

About the Event In a joint webinar organized by REAL and the Sahel Collaboration & Communication Activity (SCC), panelists from TANGO International and USAID presented key findings from the RISE I (Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced) recurrent monitoring surveys (RMS). Around 90 resilience practitioners, representing both implementing organizations and USAID Mission and headquarters staff attended the webinar. The RMS followed a group of RISE I households over five rounds spaced two months apart from August 2018 through April 2019 in both Niger and Burkina Faso to evaluate how their wellbeing and ability to cope and recover from shocks evolved overtime

Stakeholder Consultation: Indicators for USAID Office of Food for Peace New 2016-2025 Food Assistance and Food Security Strategy

USAID's Office of Food for Peace (FFP) and the Technical and Operational Performance Support (TOPS) Program hosted a consultation meeting on indicators for FFP's new 2016-2025 Food Assistance and Food Security Strategy. The purpose of the consultation was for FFP to gain input from partners implementing FFP-funded development and emergency programs on indicators that will accompany the new strategy's results framework. Participants' input is being taken into consideration as FFP finalizes the M&E framework.

Planning for What's Next: Scenario Planning in Food Security Activities

Watch the webinar recordings below: English French Spanish Access the webinar presentations below: English Presentation French Presentation Spanish Presentation Access a document answering questions posed during the webinar below: Q&A Document (English) Q&A Document (French) The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us how rapidly our implementing context can change and reinforced the importance of being able to adapt programming to new circumstances. Scenario planning is a tool that can help programs do just that. This interactive session will explore the concept of scenario planning with the objectives to: Develop a shared understanding of what we mean by scenario planning, recognizing it