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Stakeholder Consultation: FFP Development Food Security Activity Design

photo of sticky notes on a flip chart
10:00am - 12:30pm
Washington, DC
The TOPS Program

As an accompaniment to Food for Peace (FFP) Request for Applications (RFAs), FFP produces a number of analytical and design documents intended to assist applicants in designing development food security activities. These documents include, but are not limited to, the FFP Technical Reference Chapters, country-specific information, market analyses, country desk reviews and environmental fact sheets. Although the future of Title II funding for development food security activities remains uncertain, FFP feels it is important to capture the experience of past RFA applicants in using these materials in order to better understand their effectiveness and utility. Whether in the near-term or the long-term, this will provide FFP the opportunity to apply important lessons learned to the development of stronger RFA supporting materials in the future. 

Missed the consultation? Access the recording and presentaton: