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Field Voices: Emerging Evidence & Lessons on Ultra-Poor Graduation

WATCH THE RECORDING PRESENTATION About the Event As part of our Field Voices webinar series, IDEAL welcomes you to join field-based representatives from USAID-funded programs in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Uganda as we explore lessons and evidence on integration of the Ultra-Poor Graduation Approach on food security and resilience programs. The Ultra-Poor Graduation Approach is broadly acclaimed as one of the most effective means of sustainably lifting people out of extreme poverty. Through a comprehensive package of interventions, including resource transfers, productive assets, skills training, access to savings, and intensive coaching, the approach has shown great promise in improving food security

Social Norms and Child Feeding Practices: What Do We Know?

Social norms—the unstated rules that govern behavior in society and determine what is acceptable or taboo—are one of many influences on child feeding behaviors. Norms often specify what young children should eat, as well as how, when, and by whom young children should be fed. There is growing interest in how social norms affect nutrition and health outcomes, yet few practitioners routinely measure the influence of social norms on complementary feeding behaviors or design programs to amplify supportive norms or shift harmful ones. This is a missed opportunity to address communal influences on behavior, and the social aspect of social