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Njira DFAP Final Performance Evaluation Presentation

Watch the Recording Presentation Join IMPEL for an online presentation of the final performance evaluation for the Njira DFAP in Malawi! Funded by USAID's Office of Food for Peace (FFP), the five-year Njira Development Food Assistance Project (DFAP) focused on supporting market-oriented agricultural production, improving the health and nutrition of children under 5 years of age and pregnant and lactating women, strengthening community disaster preparedness and increasing the resilience of vulnerable households. Njira was led by Project Concern International (PCI) in partnership with Emmanuel International. Join IMPEL and USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) for an online presentation of the

The Future of Food Assistance for Nutrition: Evidence Summit II

The Future of Food Assistance for Nutrition: Evidence Summit II will bring together practitioners, policymakers, industry professionals, program funders, and researchers to share and discuss new evidence from the past two years, prioritize future evidence needs, and consider how we can collaborate to support more cost-effective programming aimed at improving nutrition in the context of food assistance interventions of all kinds. Comprised of presentations, panels, discussion breakouts, and working sessions, this Summit will promote collaboration among participants by including ample time for discussion, as well as working sessions to begin to lay out a plan for addressing gaps identified in

2020 SEEP Annual Conference

The SEEP Annual Conference gathers leading global thinkers and doers, at the forefront of economic inclusion and social empowerment efforts across the world. In response to the rapidly evolving global crisis and with our steadfast commitment to creating a meaningful and safe experience for our community, we know that the in-person 3-day conference model of years past will not be possible this year. The COVID-19 pandemic and the social and economic upheaval it has caused, has resulted in deep uncertainty and has accelerated SEEP's own journey of becoming a more agile network and team. The 2020 conference theme, Disruptive Collaboration

Stakeholder Community Meeting on Mitigating the Impacts of COVID-19 on Food, Nutrition and Water Security

Join USAID in our next discussion on July 30, in which we will be exploring how we can mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on global food, nutrition and water security, including through improved coordination between humanitarian and development actors and actions. Country-specific data and examples from implementing partners, ACDI/VOCA, DAI, CORUS International, Helen Keller International, as well as a representative from the USAID Ethiopia mission will inform our discussion. Additionally, USAID will be unveiling a new platform during the meeting that will allow for stakeholders such as yourself to share learning, data, impacts and reports on COVID-19. In the meantime

Human-Centered Design Tools for WASH: How Designing With People Strengthens Programming

Watch the Recording Presentation Access the Who's Responsible worksheet featured during the webinar. About the Event One of the most challenging aspects of designing sanitation market interventions is gaining a deep understanding of how customers perceive toilets, their installation, maintenance, upkeep and costs in order to target the right users at the right time. Human-Centered Design or HCD techniques have been used to create innovative solutions to the everyday WASH challenges. Through this process, programs can gain insights into generating, prototyping, and refining solutions that improve lives and consider the entire user experience from how a WASH solution is built

Feed the Future Webinar Series: Innovation Lab for Nutrition

Note: this is an ongoing webinar series with multiple dates. Since 2010, the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Nutrition has pursued applied research to support the goals of the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future initiative, built institutional capacity for analysis and evidence-based policy in developing countries, and offered scholarships to support individual capacity development through formal degree education in the United States and elsewhere. Join the Innovation Lab for Nutrition and USAID Advancing Nutrition for a webinar series to hear about the project's research, results, and learning to inform future programming. Designed to inform and engage stakeholders, this series

Facing the Unknown: Managing Uncertainty in Humanitarian Action

About the ALNAP 33rd Annual Meeting Humanitarian actors are experts in responding to crises and dealing with unknowns, but they are not experts in managing uncertainty. This difference has become apparent with the COVID-19 Pandemic which has forced humanitarians to reckon with an unknown present and an unknown future. The 33rd ALNAP Annual Meeting, Facing the Unknown: Managing Uncertainty in Humanitarian Action, will explore the challenges posed by uncertainty and what humanitarians can do to better equip themselves to respond within this context. The Meeting will be divided into two components: a virtual curtain-raising event on 18 November 2020 which

Unlocking Potential: Prioritizing Child & Adolescent Health and Well-Being in the New Decade

For over two decades, CORE Group has hosted a Global Health Practitioner Conference (GHPC) featuring skills-building sessions, recent evidence on cross-sectoral technical areas, and dialogue on community health. We have a unique opportunity this year to connect even more organizations and professionals around the world with our new digital format, and this year is particularly important as we set the stage for future investment and innovation in child and adolescent health. CORE Group's 2020 Global Health Practitioner Conference will focus on Unlocking Potential: Prioritizing Child and Adolescent Health in the New Decade. The conference aims to: Strengthen commitment to child

COVID-19 Data for Decision-Making: Activity Showcases - East and Southern Africa

View the Digital Posters About the Event Since the onset of COVID-19, the food security M&E sector has focused on overcoming data collection challenges posed by COVID-19 and strategies for combating these roadblocks. Now, several months into COVID-19 adaptations, it’s time to move beyond a focus on data collection and provide a forum for food security practitioners to share findings and how these findings have been used to adapt programmatic decision-making. Join IDEAL for an exciting opportunity to share and learn with peer food security practitioners from East and Southern Africa about experiences applying data for decision-making during the COVID-19