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Stakeholder Consultation: Theories of Change in Resilience Food Security Activities

IDEAL's second stakeholder consultation aimed to provide space for USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance and implementing partners to engage with each other on the strengths and challenges of using Theories of Change (TOCs) in implementation. It sought to identify recommendations to improve the overall effectiveness of using the TOC as an adaptive management tool throughout the RFSA program cycle. Key recommendations from the consultation included: 1) increasing training and access to tools to facilitate the use of TOCs; 2) improving BHA facilitation of TOC amendment approvals; and 3) improving ownership and socialization of the TOC within RFSAs. Resources Final Report

Stakeholder Consultation: RFSA RFA Design and Process

IDEAL's first stakeholder consultation provided partners the opportunity to help shape and provide input into the RFSA solicitation process and content in order to improve the clarity of the Request For Applications (RFAs), improve the quality of RFSA designs, and lower barriers for non-traditional applicants. This was a highly participatory, solutions-oriented event and will include both small group discussions and plenary discussions. The content was informed by implementing partners' input during a qualitative outreach process held prior to the event. Resources Final Report Presentation Slides Day 1 Recording Day 2 Recording Follow-On Brief

Advancing Impact Evaluations in Humanitarian Contexts: Harnessing Evidence to Enhance the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Humanitarian Activities

The Humanitarian Assistance Evidence Cycle (HAEC) Activity is excited to announce a half-day Impact Evaluation in Humanitarian Contexts forum designed to enhance the understanding and application of impact evaluations in humanitarian contexts. During the forum, HAEC will share effective impact evaluation use cases with USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA Implementing Partner (IP) staff and their USAID/BHA counterparts. In addition, the forum will to provide a comprehensive overview of impact evaluations, explore various methodological approaches, and present relevant real-world examples to improve food security programming. HAEC is offering two opportunities to attend the forum on Tuesday, September 10th. Participants may

Stakeholder Consultation: Refine & Implement

The Refine & Implement (R&I) stakeholder consultation, hosted by IDEAL and Program Cycle Support (PCS), provided a forum for BHA and implementing partner staff to collaboratively seek solutions to R&I challenges, agree on recommendations and preliminary action plans, and bust myths in a safe learning space where all could share diverse ideas. Resources Refine & Implement Stakeholder Consultation Event Report

COP Hot Seat: Working with Leadership to Promote Learning and Adaptation

Join the Strategic Learning & Adaptive Management (SLAM) peer community for a meeting on August 29, 2024 to hear directly from Chiefs of Party on how to work with leadership to champion learning and adaptation. Two of the most commonly cited barriers to adaptive management approaches are time and resources, but who decides how CLA is resourced? And how can you make the case that investing in CLA is worth the time and effort it requires? This is where leadership’s support of CLA is critical. Whether you are a COP interested in creating an enabling environment for CLA across your

Webinar Series: COVID-19 & Humanitarian Settings

The READY Initiative, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the Center for Humanitarian Health at Johns Hopkins University, and the Center of Education and Research in Humanitarian Action (CERAH) are hosting a weekly webinar series on COVID-19 and humanitarian settings. The webinars will take place on Wednesdays from 8–9 am EST (2-3 pm CET). Upcoming Webinar: COVID-19 & Humanitarian Settings: Risk Communication and Community Engagement – Perceptions, Misinformation, and Concerns in African Countries in the time of COVID Time: Wednesday, 29 April, 8-9 am EDT (2-3 pm CET)