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PRO-WASH & SCALE Small Grants Program RFA 3: Climate Resilience in Emergency Settings

PRO-WASH & SCALE is pleased to share this request for applications (RFA) which seeks proposals to undertake research that will address priority evidence gaps in enhancing climate resilience in emergency settings within PRO-WASH & SCALE’s focus sectors of water, sanitation, hygiene, agriculture, markets, livelihoods, and/or natural/watershed resource management, with the overall goal of improving food security and nutrition programming. This RFA will fund one award up to USD $125,000 for a study period of up to 16 months. Application submissions are due by May 10, 2024 at 5:00 PM ET.

Open Call: Linkages Between GBV and Food Security

The FAO, WFP, Global Food Security Cluster, and the Global GBV Area of Responsibility are conducting an evidence review to strengthen the evidence base and to support integrating protection against gender-based violence into food security. The coalition is also looking for examples of current programs / activities that integrate gender-based violence and food security. Please share relevant information or materials with,, and by April 26, 2024.…

Seed Systems Security in the Central African Republic and Beyond

Join PRO-WASH & SCALE to hear about the findings, recommendations, and key takeaways from a recent Seed System Security Assessment (SSSA) workshop in the Ouaka and Mbomou Prefectures of Central African Republic (CAR). After a presentation of the key findings , there will be time for questions and a discussion about the CAR seed system, including issues, challenges and lessons common to many other contexts. This online session builds on an in-person workshop hosted by Mercy Corps and Concern in Bangui in March 2024. The workshop convened the broader seed systems community in CAR – including government, donor, United Nations

SLAM Meeting: Busting Barriers to Reflection and Learning in Humanitarian Contexts

Join the Strategic Learning & Adaptive Management (SLAM) peer community for a meeting on May 7, 2024 focused on exploring the barriers to reflection and learning in humanitarian contexts and considering ways around those barriers for improved adaptive management. In humanitarian contexts, time is of the essence. Action is needed urgently. Contextual changes occur often and are unpredictable. The ability for a program to pivot quickly or adapt activities to be more responsive to the changing needs of affected communities is crucial. However, it is in these contexts that taking time for collaborative reflection and learning with staff and stakeholders