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Data and Information Sharing for Humanitarian-Development-Peace Coherence: Practical Case Studies from Madagascar, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Ethiopia

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Case Studies
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In 2022, IDEAL's Knowledge Sharing Series (KSS) on Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Coherence provided the implementing community an opportunity to create a shared understanding around HDP coherence and explore current practices and enabling factors for HDP coherence in different contexts. During this series, data sharing was identified as a key practice for HDP coherence. Accordingly, IDEAL has documented three case studies in which implementing partners (IPs) have made a concerted effort to share data and information across HDP pillars, examining approaches within a single activity (intra-activity), between separate humanitarian, development, and peace activities (inter-activity), or within a single organization (intra-organization).

This report examines data sharing efforts relevant to HDP coherence in Madagascar, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Ethiopia. Each case study provides a brief overview of how several organizations share data and information both within their organizations and with outside partners to improve program efficiency that reflect the needs of populations in different operating contexts, such as protracted conflict in the DRC, ongoing climate crises like drought and cyclones in Madagascar, and continuous cycles of climate and conflict crises in Ethiopia.

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