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Leveraging Market Approaches to Sanitation: SWIRL Initiative in Bangladesh

Join us for a peer-to-peer learning opportunity on Market Based Sanitation. During this event, participants will learn from the Scaling-up WASH Innovations in Remote Locations (SWIRL) team – a USAID-BHA funded SHOUHARDO III Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA)– which ope rates in 37 unions in Bangladesh. The project, led by CARE Bangladesh and iDE, leverages market systems to improve sanitation access to the poor and disadvantaged community in the Haors (wetland and back swamp in North Eastern Bangladesh) and the Chars (riverine island regions) of Bangladesh. The SWIRL team will share their experience on how the human centered design approach

The Impact of Pro-Poor Sanitation Subsidies in Open Defecation-Free Communities in Rural Ghana

Globally, 494 million people practice open defecation. Even after achieving open defecation-free (ODF) status through efforts such as Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS), communities, and particularly vulnerable households, may revert back to open defecation, especially when toilet collapse is common and durable toilets are unaffordable. There is increasing interest in pro-poor sanitation subsidies to help address these challenges. This webinar from USAID’s Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Partnerships and Learning for Sustainability Project will summarize a study that evaluated the impacts of a pro-poor sanitation subsidy program among 109 post-ODF communities in Northern Ghana. Presenters: Joyce Kisiangani, Aquaya Institute John Trimmer, Aquaya