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Accessibility FSN Network is committed to providing access to all individuals seeking information on To provide this information, this site has been built to comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (as amended). Section 508 requires that all individuals with disabilities (whether federal employees or members of the general public) have access to and use of information and data, comparable to that provided to individuals without disabilities unless an undue burden would be imposed on us. If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader, Braille reader, etc.) and have trouble accessing information on this site, please

COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resources If you have additional resources you think would be useful for the community, please send them to us at For more resources, join IDEAL for its COVID-19 Learning Series, which convenes emergency and non-emergency activity implementers to share with each other knowledge, learning, and practical approaches for adapting programming in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more in the COVID-19 Collection here. Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (NRM) Guidance on Supporting Safe and Functioning Food Markets During COVID-19 by the USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security This guidance was written to help support safe and functioning

COVID-19 Resources and Events

About Unless drastic measures are taken, the World Food Programme predicts that the COVID-19 pandemic will double the number of people suffering from acute hunger. The rising challenges due to COVID-19 will require the food security implementing community to remain responsive in order to adequately address increasing threats to household food security. In order to better assist the food security community, the FSN Network actively publishes resources and events related to adapting programming in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more in the COVID-19 Collection here.

REAL Resources

About The Resilience Evaluation, Analysis and Learning (REAL) Award is a consortium-led effort funded by the USAID Center for Resilience. It was established to respond to the growing demand among USAID missions, host governments, implementing organizations, and other key stakeholders for rigorous yet practical monitoring, evaluation, strategic analysis, and capacity building support related to resilience. In implementing the REAL Associate Award, Save the Children leads a strong consortium of partners with expertise in resilience program implementation, monitoring and evaluation, social and behavior change, and knowledge management. The consortium partners are Save the Children, Food for the Hungry, Mercy Corps, and

USAID Resilience and Resilience Capacities Measurement Options Launch

Watch Recording Presentation Slides Join REAL for a launch of the USAID Resilience and Resilience Capacities Measurement Options—a guide for USAID Missions and implementing partners on measuring and analyzing resilience outcomes in their programs and activities. The guidance presents three measurement approaches for analyzing resilience (Light, Intermediate, and Full), each of which reflects a different level of effort―and budget―in terms of the survey instrument and analysis used (i.e., number of questions asked and analyzed). A methodological guidance document and an enumerator guide support the user to adjust the survey instrument to a specific context and to analyze the collected data.

REAL Short Course in Resilience Measurement

In April the REAL Award launched the USAID Resilience Measurement Guidance Note Series, a set of five guidance notes that provide pragmatic guidance to assist practitioners in integrating core aspects of resilience measurement into their programs and activities. In this short course, we invite you to join us for three interactive webinar sessions where you will learn how to apply the guidance in your work. Register for one, two or all of them and mark the three last Wednesday in June at 10 am EDT in your calendars! We strongly recommend reading the Guidance Notes before attending the webinar series