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Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Design Guide: Practical Guidance For Implementing Partners

Applying nutrition-sensitive agriculture continues to challenge development practitioners all over the world. USAID Advancing Nutrition recently finalized the Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Design Guide—a facilitator’s guide with accompanying slides and handouts for a 3-day workshop for newly awarded USAID-funded agriculture projects. In this webinar, the USAID Advancing Nutrition team is joined by the Feed the Future Rwanda Hinga Weze activity, and USAID Bureau of Food Security to talk about the Design Guide, its origin story, the Hinga Weze experience using it, and USAID’s vision for its use around the world. USAID Advancing Nutrition invites you to hear more about the Guide, learn
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REAL Concept Notes

Sector Type:
Monitoring and Evaluation | Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction
Year Published: