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Resource Recovery from Sanitation for Food Security and Soil Health

Our global food system has created a number of challenges at the nexus of agriculture, sanitation, and water quality. Many soils are in poor health; mined of nutrients from decades of farming, or lacking them to begin with. This is particularly true for sub-Saharan Africa where poor soils throughout the region are a driver of low yields and resultant undernutrition (SDG 2) and poverty (SDG 1). Yet the high costs of fertilizers (African farmers pay two to six times the global average for fertilizer) mean that African farmers can only apply 17 kg of fertilizer per hectare, relative to a
Download Resource: KPC Trainings of Survey Trainers (TOST)

KPC Trainings of Survey Trainers (TOST)

CORE Group | Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA) Project | Freedom From Hunger (FFH) | Child Survival Technical Support Plus (CSTS+)
Sector Type:
Monitoring and Evaluation | Data | Capacity Strengthening
Year Published:
Download Resource: The Essential Nutrition Actions (ENA) Framework

The Essential Nutrition Actions (ENA) Framework

USAID | Regional Center for the Quality of Health Care (RCQHC) | John Snow Incorporated (JSI) | Helen Keller International | Academy for Educational Development (AED) | CORE Group | West African Health Organization (WAHO) | East Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC)
Sector Type:
Maternal Child Health and Nutrition | Child Health | Disease Control | Maternal Health & Nutrition | New Born Health | Reproductive Health
Year Published: