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Resilient Agriculture Innovations for Nature – RAIN

Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) and Shockwave Foundation are partnering on the Resilient Agriculture Innovations for Nature (RAIN) challenge. RAIN aims to convert seed-level innovative agricultural ideas that are meeting resilience needs in East Africa and scale them to sustainable business ideas of interest to private investors and funders. The challenge is open to rural farmers, entrepreneurs, organizations, or consortiums of organizations across public, private, civil society, and grassroots organizations as well as academia in East Africa (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda). The webinar will answer any questions potential applicants might have and provide an in-depth look at what

Human-Centered Design for WASH: Resource Center Launch

Maximize your impact in WASH using Human-Centered Design! PRO-WASH and iDE invite you to the launch of the Human-Centered Design for WASH (aka "HCDforWASH") online resource center! This website includes videos, case studies, tools, and templates that you can use in your own work to embed human-centered design into your WASH programming for more impactful and sustainable interventions. During this webinar, you will receive a virtual tour of the site based on several user scenarios and you'll be able to ask questions of the creators. You will walk away from the webinar with a toolbox full of easy-to-use HCD resources

Summary of Program Cycle Support Achievements

This interactive dashboard compiles results from PCS workshop evaluations and after action review processes to provide an overview of our achievements supporting RFSAs through various touchpoints in the Refine & Implement (R&I) model. Learn more about PCS' technical assistance and workshops.

Americas Regional Launch of the SEADS Standards

Join the Americas Regional Launch of the SEADS Minimum Standards for Supporting Crop-related Livelihoods in Emergencies. SEADS is a set of evidence-based international principles and minimum standards that support the design, implementation, and evaluation of crop-related crisis responses. SEADS is the newest member of the Humanitarian Standards Partnership, a collaboration between standards initiatives to improve quality and accountability in humanitarian response that includes the Sphere standards.