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Webinar: Last Mile Seed Systems in Fragile Contexts

Read the Case Studies Watch the Recording SCALE and Integrated Seed Sector Development in Africa (ISSD Africa) hosted a webinar on March 30th where we heard four inspiring models of last mile seed production and distribution in fragile contexts. Over the years, donors and humanitarian organizations working in fragile contexts have increased their focus on promoting improved agricultural technologies, including seeds. However, quality seeds of the right varieties seldom reach smallholder farmers, especially those in remote locations. This is due to constraints on seed access, availability, and quality, all of which are more pronounced in fragile contexts where unstable operating

Inter-Agency Responses and Guidance on COVID-19 for Schools

About the Event What health actions should be prioritized by schools during the prevention, response, and recovery stages of this pandemic? How can different bodies work together to maximize resources? How to adapt school health work in a socially distant environment? Join us to discuss Save the Children's and UNICEF's responses to the recent COVID-19 pandemic. We will present technical guidance and tools to support schools in addressing the competing priorities associated with a pandemic response to ensure the well-being and safety of their population. We will also commemorate World Health Day (April 7), whose theme this year is Support

Opportunity Assessments for Natural Climate Solutions

Speaker Joe Fargione of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) will present on the "Opportunity Assessments for Natural Climate Solutions." Additional details to be announced shortly. Registration for this session will remain open until the date of the webinar, January 8th, 2019. Click here to learn more.

Exploring Camel Leasing’s Impact on Resilience

Join ResilienceLinks and RTI International to learn about findings from the Feed the Future Somalia Camel Leasing to Impact Resilience Activity and how they can inform future research. Through a series of surveys, focus group discussions, and analyses, the activity looked at the potential impacts of camel leasing on the resilience and well-being of Somali camel-herding pastoralists, pastoralist communities, and camel milk dairies. After a presentation of the research by RTI and reactions from USAID’s Mission in Somalia, participants will be able to ask questions through a facilitated Q&A session.