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Strengthening Farmer Seed Management and Storage – Increasing Resilience

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Presented by: Dieudonné Baributsa, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology Team Manager, Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage Project, International Programs in Agriculture, Purdue University;  Elizabeth Mitcham, Director, Horticulture Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP);  Tom Remington, Principal Agriculture Advisor, Africa, Catholic Relief Services

Very often, farmers – especially poor farmers – decide not to save their own seed due to problems in seed storage, especially drying and subsequent protection from insects.  So they sell and then purchase seed from the market at the next planting time. Though the market is and should remain an important seed channel, improved farmer seed storage enables farmers to save their own seed, increases seed source diversity and strengthens resilience. This session discussed opportunities to strengthen seed systems and explored new post-harvest technologies offering low-cost options and alternative income sources to resource-poor farmers.