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Performance Evaluation: Njira Development Food Assistance Project in Malawi

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Evaluations and Research | Narrated Presentations


These materials provide information about the endline evaluation of the Njira project, implemented in the southern Malawi districts of Balaka and Machinga from October 2014 until September 2019. Funded by USAID's Office of Food for Peace (FFP), the five-year Njira Development Food Assistance Project (DFAP) focused on supporting market-oriented agricultural production, improving the health and nutrition of children under 5 years of age and pregnant and lactating women, strengthening community disaster preparedness and increasing the resilience of vulnerable households. Njira was led by Project Concern International (PCI) in partnership with Emmanuel International.

Final Performance Evaluation

The purpose of this evaluation is to measure, using both quantitative and qualitative data sources, the success of the Njira project in terms of achieving its intended outcomes.

Final Performance Evaluation Brief

This brief summarizes the results of the final evaluation conducted by TANGO International.

Final Performance Evaluation Presentation

IMPEL and USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) present the final qualitative performance evaluation for the Njira DFAP where participants heard about findings and were given an opportunity to ask questions.

Watch the Recording Presentation