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Performance Evaluation: Amalima Development Food Assistance Project in Zimbabwe

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Evaluations and Research | Narrated Presentations


Funded by USAID's Office of Food for Peace (FFP), the seven-year Amalima project worked with over 56,000 households to sustainably improve household food security and nutrition in Zimbabwe. Amalima was awarded in Fiscal Year 2013 and designed to address the causes of food and nutrition insecurity in Zimbabwe through a set of innovative approaches, building on existing communal initiatives and solidarity to strengthen resilience.

Final Performance Evaluation

This report details the findings and recommendations of the endline evaluation of the Amalima project. The evaluation’s broad objective is to determine conditions in targeted areas prior to the start of new DFAPs. It is comprised of a representative population‐based household survey that collected data for required impact and outcome Indicators for Title II program intervention areas, and a qualitative study that provides depth and context, and serves to triangulate quantitative survey findings and analysis.

Final Performance Evaluation Brief

This brief summarizes the results of the final evaluation conducted by TANGO International.

Final Performance Evaluation Presentation

IMPEL presented the final performance evaluation for Amalima where participants heard about findings and were given an opportunity to ask questions.

View the Presentation View the Recording