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Next Steps for Food Aid Quality Review (FAQR) Recommendations

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Facilitator: Joan Jennings, TOPS Nutrition and Food Technology Senior Specialist, Save the Children

Presenter: Nina Schlossman, President and Co-Principal Investigator of the Food Aid Quality Review, Global Food & Nutrition Inc.

Content: This session presented an overview of key recommendations from Food Aid Quality Review (FAQR) recently published by Tufts University. The presenter noted that this is a unique time and opportunity for improvement. Key findings and recommendations fall into three areas: recommendations for products, for programs, and for processes. 

Discussion: Recommendations for products have been given so that “products must be fit for purpose” to prevent stunting among children 6-24 months of age, to manage moderate wasting in children 6-59 months of age, to meet the elevated protein and micronutrient needs of pregnant and lactating women, and to manage/prevent wasting among people living with HIV/AIDS. Next steps will include acceptability trials of a new formulation of CSB14, testing of variations in packaging (with messaging), and field trials of effectiveness of CSB14 and oil as compared with lipid nutrient supplements.

Among the various recommendations for programming, the need was expressed for the reviewers to clearly understand the challenges in programming and for clearer programming guidance. The presenter asked whether participants are interested in having a participatory process (involving PVO implementers) as programming guidance is developed, and there was consensus that this is needed.

Recommendations for processes focused at the USG and FFP level and include establishing an interagency committee on food aid and upgrading procurement processes. Also, the Commodity Reference Guide needs to be revised and updated. The presenter asked participants for what purposes they presently use the existing CRG and (with changes in technology) how they might prefer to access such a tool.


The Way Forward: Recommendations were identified in four areas.


  • More training on LRP
  • Strengthen capacity for market/data analysis using tools that are available correctly


  • Formal consultation between donors and implementers on LRP

Information Sharing

  • Communication and coordination between agencies
  • Dissemination and sharing of a lit review on benefits of cash vs. vouchers and when which are appropriate
  • Document and share good practices in LRP


  • Advocacy to influence the Farm Bill-how to improve current policy