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Light Guidance on Collective Outcomes: Planning and Implementing the HDP Nexus in Contexts of Protracted Crisis

Inter-Agency Standing Committee
Inter-Agency Standing Committee
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Technical Guidance

This guidance is designed for senior management across the humanitarian, development, and peace community at the country level, including UN Resident/Humanitarian Coordinators, Special/Deputy Special Representatives of the Secretary-General, agency heads, and donor representatives. It also benefits individuals implementing field-level programs contributing to collective outcomes. The guidance, aimed at the "HDP Community," emphasizes achieving the 2030 Agenda's Sustainable Development Goals by addressing extreme poverty in fragile settings and focusing on collective outcomes. It underscores the need for a coherent approach to reduce risks, vulnerabilities, and conflict drivers, advocating for a shift in behaviors, attitudes, and work processes to establish the "new way of working" as the norm.