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Impact Evaluation: PReSERVE Resilience Food Security Activity in Ethiopia

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Evaluations and Research

The PReSERVE Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) is implemented by Food for the Hungry in the region of Amhara in Ethiopia. This activity attempts to address and mitigate acute levels of food insecurity experienced by communities in Amhara, one of the poorest areas of Ethiopia. The PReSERVE RFSA consists of a package of interventions to improve the food security of vulnerable households in targeted Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) communities across nine woredas in 179 kebeles in the Amhara region and contributing to a sustained reduction in rural poverty.

Baseline Study

This report captures baseline survey data collected from June to July 2022. The baseline study relies on quantitative methods to measure baseline indicators collected in the RFSA target and control areas in the same region. The impact evaluation of the PReSERVE RFSA relies on a randomized controlled trial at the household level designed to estimate the effect of Livelihood Deepening (LD) interventions.