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Evaluations and Research

The Tuendelee Pamoja II (TP II) Development Food Security Activity’s (DFSA) goal is “all members of households from all tribes in South Kivu and Tanganyika provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) live with social and economic well-being.” This brief summarizes the results of the mid-term evaluation conducted by the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. The mid-term evaluation (MTE) presents the following topline recommendations:

  • Identify priority interventions that will have the most impact under each purpose, and eliminate those that have less impact and/or are too demanding
  • Review participant targeting and approach with a focus on prioritizing high-potential interventions and scaling back poorly performing interventions
  • Reassess the management structure to be more adaptive and less centrally driven
  • Prioritize transparent and frequent communication
  • Strengthen information sharing with government entities, implementing partners, and donors
  • Define a clear sustainability plan and exit strategy

Click here for the full report.