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We welcome submissions for our database of food security-related communities, whether it’s a WhatsApp group, listserv, or formal community of practice.
Explore our database of food security communities, submit a community you'd like included on the site, or join the FSN Network discussion forum
We welcome submissions for our database of food security-related communities, whether it’s a WhatsApp group, listserv, or formal community of practice.
Humanitarian Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (HuMEL) is a peer community supported by IDEAL to share lessons and experiences of implementing M&E in humanitarian settings.
Qualitative Monitoring and Evaluation (QualME) is a peer community supported by IDEAL to advance M&E qualitative best practices and tools and to share resources.
The Strategic Learning and Adaptive Management (SLAM) is a peer community comprised of professionals interested in learning and adaptive management with a focus on implementing USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) resilience food security and emergency activities.
Explore our growing collection of opportunities to engage and collaborate with other development and emergency practitioners
The SBC Working Group contributes to improved maternal and child health outcomes by strengthening the capacity of CORE members to design and implement effective social and behavioral change strategies while documenting and disseminating valuable experiences. is an online member-based knowledge sharing and capacity building platform, open to social protection practitioners, policy-makers, and experts, as well as academics and students.
The Systems for Health Working Group seeks to promote people-centered, Community-Inclusive Systems for Health, which deliver expanding packages of health interventions tailored to specific contextual needs and opportunities, connecting social and health care structures, valuing prevention, health promotion, and the agency of communities to own their future
The Urban Response community of practice is an online platform, where humanitarian practitioners can ask questions or exchange views and practices on principled humanitarian action, access and risk management.