IDEAL's Knowledge Sharing Series on Humanitarian-Development-Peace Coherence

A Collection of Post-Event Resources from IDEAL's Knowledge Sharing Series
• June through September 2022 •

Three persons walking towards a village
Kate Stanworth / Save the Children

About this Collection

This collection brings together all the post-event materials from IDEAL's Knowledge Sharing Series on Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) coherenceClick on each event card to see the event recording and related resources. As events in the series conclude, they will be added to this collection. The series topics were based on USAID principles for HDP coherence contained in Programming Considerations on HDP Coherence: A Note for USAID's Implementing Partners. Please get in touch if you have any questions or comments about this collection:

Opening Week Advancing Locally Led HDP Coherence 

Data for Decision-Making in HDP Coherence Communication and Coordination for Coherence 

Sequencing, Layering, and Integrating Humanitarian, Development, and Peace Assistance

Culmination Event

Opening Week

These sessions covered the imperative for HDP coherence on a global and regional level, the practical ways country teams have adapted technically and operationally to achieve coherence, and how they've implemented with the peace-building lens.

Advancing Locally Led HDP Coherence

Sessions under this thematic area gave local and international humanitarian, development, and peace actors opportunities to come together to discuss centering local knowledge on HDP coherence; transitioning programs from international to local ownership; and effective, inclusive, and participatory community engagement for social cohesion.

Data for Decision-Making in HDP Coherence

Sessions under this thematic area explored organizations’ experiences with context monitoring, resilience monitoring, crisis analytics, and local early warning schemes to produce information for improved and more timely program decision-making in crisis-affected areas. Discussions included barriers to information-sharing across humanitarian, development, and peace actors, and considered the specific data and analytical tools required for more effective contingency planning for HDP coherence.

Communication and Coordination for Coherence

Sessions under this thematic area explored promising practices in communication and coordination to enhance knowledge sharing and joint planning as well as to avoid duplicating efforts. "Backbone learning mechanisms" have supported this work; a session features what the implementing community can learn from these robust coordination structures. 

Sequencing, Layering, and Integrating Humanitarian, Development, and Peace Assistance

Sessions under this thematic area explored how implementing partners have sequenced, layered, and integrated activities and humanitarian, development, and peace assistance--as well as leveraging the strengths of different donors--to build portfolios of projects that are responsive and creative in addressing the needs vulnerable populations.

Culmination Event

In this 2-hour culmination event, IDEAL invited the community, once more, to look back on the key takeaways gleaned from the sessions and identify ways to apply the learning moving forward.

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