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Data Requirements for HDP-Oriented Contingency Planning

A family on their houseboat
Lim Sokchanlina / Save the Children
8:00am - 9:30am ET

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This session explored the data and analytics necessary to produce accurate scenarios for emergency contingency plans, as the basis for more effective and scalable crisis modifiers in program design. How do we integrate community-based and participatory processes to ensure a more holistic analysis of risks and hazards for effective decision-making? How can we collect and analyze more complete information for improved contingency planning? What are critical data gaps and additional information we need to make better programming decisions?

In this dynamic dialogue, participants learned from a practitioner working in Burkina Faso and Niger who is using crisis modifiers to support activities in response to local crises and fast-changing contexts. This session was hosted by Justin Ginnetti, Senior Officer, Information Management & Risk Analysis at International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Speakers include:

  • Patrick Cantin, Chief of Party, TerresEauVie Activity, Winrock International, Burkina Faso & Niger

This event was part of the thematic area: Data for Decision-Making in HDP Coherence

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Justin Ginnetti profile photoJustin Ginnetti (he/him) is IFRC’s Sr. Officer for information management and risk analysis. Prior to that, he was head of data and analysis at the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre and a project officer for the Global Assessment Report at UNDRR. He is interested in learning about new methods of analysis and using different kinds of data to improve our understanding of disasters, and he is focused on how decision-makers use this evidence to make policy or take programmatic decisions.

Patrick Cantin profile photoPatrick Cantin joined TerresEauVie as Chief of Party in June 2021. Patrick has worked in Africa for the last 15 years in Ethiopia, DRC, Kenya, Somalia, and Uganda on WASH and resilience activities. Prior to joining Winrock, Patrick was COP for the Resilience in Pastoral Areas North program in Ethiopia reaching more than 129,000 households with training on topics including disaster risk management, natural resource management, and diversified livelihood opportunities for women and youth. He also oversaw implementation of a Crisis Modifier component in Ethiopia. Patrick is currently based in Niamey, Niger.