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man in field
Kelley Lynch
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The title page of the tool. In the background is a photo of an older woman who is smiling and bending down to wash her hands under a water spout on the side of a wall. At the very are the logos for Plan International and Australian Aid. The title of the tool is in big bold letters with the word Monitoring highlighted with a blue background. At the bottom it says "This book belongs to" and then includes a blank space.

Gender and WASH Monitoring Tool

Plan International Australia and Australian Aid
Sector Type:
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene | Gender Equality
Year Published:
Download Resource: EMMA Toolkit

EMMA Toolkit

IRC | Oxfam | InterAction | Practical Action
Sector Type:
Agriculture and Livelihoods | Market Systems | Emergency Response
Year Published:
Download Resource: Cash and Vouchers Manual

Cash and Vouchers Manual

World Food Programme (WFP)
Sector Type:
Emergency Response | Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA)
Year Published:
Download Resource: Governing the Oral Institution

Governing the Oral Institution

Mathwood Consulting Company
Sector Type:
Agriculture and Livelihoods | Financial Services | Governance | Social Cohesion
Year Published:
Download Resource: Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) Project
Sector Type:
Program Design and Management | Monitoring and Evaluation | Emergency Response | Refine & Implement
Year Published: