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Kelley Lynch
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Download Resource: Pre-Crisis Market Analysis (PCMA)

Pre-Crisis Market Analysis (PCMA)

IRC | USAID | Oxfam
Sector Type:
Agriculture and Livelihoods | Market Systems | Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction | Disaster Preparedness & Mitigation
Year Published:
Download Resource: The Essential Nutrition Actions (ENA) Framework

The Essential Nutrition Actions (ENA) Framework

USAID | Regional Center for the Quality of Health Care (RCQHC) | John Snow Incorporated (JSI) | Helen Keller International | Academy for Educational Development (AED) | CORE Group | West African Health Organization (WAHO) | East Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC)
Sector Type:
Maternal Child Health and Nutrition | Child Health | Disease Control | Maternal Health & Nutrition | New Born Health | Reproductive Health
Year Published:
Download Resource: Strengthening Health Talks Training Manual

Strengthening Health Talks Training Manual

Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN) Project | USAID
Sector Type:
Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting | Capacity Strengthening | Collaborating
Year Published: