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man in field
Kelley Lynch
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Download Resource: Ebola Virus Disease Care Group Module

Ebola Virus Disease Care Group Module

CORE Group | Curamericas Global | Feed the Children | PCI | Samaritan's Purse | Concern Worldwide | Salvation Army World Service Office | World Relief | International Medical Corps
Sector Type:
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene | Sanitation
Year Published:
Download Resource: Seed Aid for Seed Security: Advice for Practitioners

Seed Aid for Seed Security: Advice for Practitioners

Seed Programs International | CIAT | USAID | Catholic Relief Services
Sector Type:
Agriculture and Livelihoods | Emergency Food Security Assessments/Analyses | Emergency Response | Crop Production
Year Published:
Download Resource: A Theory of Change on Child Marriage

A Theory of Change on Child Marriage

Girls Not Brides
Sector Type:
Gender, Youth, and Social Dynamics | Social and Behavior Change | Program Design and Management | Theory of Change
Year Published: