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Download Resource: Food Security Program Lifecycle Toolkit

Food Security Program Lifecycle Toolkit

Food for the Hungry
Sector Type:
Program Design and Management | Refine & Implement | Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting | Capacity Strengthening
Year Published:
Download Resource: Preparing for the Evaluation

Preparing for the Evaluation

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) | American Red Cross
Sector Type:
Monitoring and Evaluation | M&E System | Evaluation
Year Published:
Download Resource: ABC of Knowledge Management

ABC of Knowledge Management

United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS)
Sector Type:
Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting | Knowledge Management
Year Published:
Download Resource: Sustainable Coastal Communities and Ecosystems (SUCCESS): A Component of the Global Integrated Management of Coastal and Freshwater Systems (IMCAFS) Program

Sustainable Coastal Communities and Ecosystems (SUCCESS): A Component of the Global Integrated Management of Coastal and Freshwater Systems (IMCAFS) Program

USAID | Coastal Resources Center | University of Rhode Island | EcoCostas | Universidad Centroamerica (Central American University) | Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association | Conservation International | The Nature Conservancy | World Wildlife Fund (WWF) | The Sea Grant Network
Sector Type:
Social Cohesion | Governance | Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting | Capacity Strengthening | Knowledge Management
Year Published:
Download Resource: Practical Guidance for Impact Surveys

Practical Guidance for Impact Surveys

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Sector Type:
Agriculture and Livelihoods | Program Design and Management
Year Published: