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USAID Research Policy Draft for Consultation

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The Office of Science and Technology at USAID is leading an Agency-wide effort to develop a research policy. This is the first research policy at USAID in 20 years, and it details the principles and procedures necessary to ensure high quality research is produced from USAID's work and broader investment in development research. 

Click here to download the draft research policy.

Because the policy will impact the review of research proposals as well as the awarding and management of grants/cooperative agreements with implementing partners, USAID will be convening a series of town hall-style meetings over the coming weeks in an effort to share the draft policy and get your important feedback.

The research policy, which applies to all USAID staff and its implementing partners, compiles in one place all existing policies pertaining to research and addresses some significant gaps in USAID's policies on such critical issues as peer review, standards for research reports, assessing impact of the scientific work USAID does, and tracking research. Evolving issues like open access to data and publications are also discussed. As a result of this policy, USAID will be better aligned with the Agency's Scientific Integrity Policy, federal laws, regulations and White House directives, and the best practices of other USG federal science agencies.

After several months of working with a team of over 30 experts in science and technology from across the Agency including experts in implementation and the social sciences, and receiving internal feedback from across the Agency, USAID is now ready to incorporate additional suggestions and feedback from implementing partners. 

Please enter your feedback here by 5:00 PM EDT on March 14th, 2014