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USAID is in the process of developing a comprehensive Nutrition Strategy, in recognition of the essential role that nutrition plays in individuals' and countries' development. As you know, the design of a USAID nutrition strategy is a benchmark towards the development of a broader US Government nutrition strategy which is now in process.

The U.S. Government is committed to working towards the World Health Assembly's 2025 targets for improved maternal, infant, and young child nutrition, as well as the overarching goals in the Global Nutrition for Growth Compact.

A technical working group, comprised of individuals across USAID, has developed a draft strategy and is seeking public comment. Please click here to download the draft strategy. The development of the strategy reflects USAID's commitment to work in partnership with the global community to address nutrition challenges. The technical working group looks forward to your comments on the draft and would especially like your opinions on the following questions:

- The strategy has several audiences: USAID Missions, partner countries, and multiple stakeholders in the U.S. and globally. Is it appropriately written for a wide audience? 

- Do you feel any important area is left out?

- Will the strategy be helpful to your work? If not, what is missing?

- Do the four intermediate results capture the most important areas for USAID to address in this long-term strategy? 

- Does the strategy convey the importance of multiple sectors contributing to nutrition improvements adequately?

- Other comments and suggestions to strengthen the document?

Please send your comments on the strategy to by 12:00 Noon, January 10, 2014.