TOPS ANRM Case Study: Cascading the Permagarden Method in Ethiopia
This is the first in a series of TOPS Agriculture and Natural Resource Management case studies.
The permagarden method combines permaculture and bio-intensive agriculture to create a highly productive home garden using a small amount of land. It utilizes sustainable agriculture practices specifically designed for the development context in order to increase production into the dry and lean seasons. The method shows how farmers around the world with only a small amount of land can produce food throughout the year by learning the natural principles behind good gardening and matching those principles to basic practices.
In February 2016, TOPS co-hosted a Permagarden Training of Trainers (ToT) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with the Ethiopia Home Garden Network. The ToT prepared participants to lead three-day permagarden trainings for farmers and gardeners by teaching the permagarden method and lessons in adult learning.
This case study describes the process of sharing knowledge through the Ethiopia Home Garden Network and lessons from collaboration with a national network.
Click here to read other case studies in the series.