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Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Research Working Paper 3: Shock-Responsive Social Protection in the Sahel - Community Perspectives

Oxford Policy Management
Oxford Policy Management
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Evaluations and Research

The Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems study is a two-year research project led by Oxford Policy Management, in collaboration with ODI, CaLP, and INASP. Aimed at policymakers, researchers, and practitioners in low-income and conflict-affected countries, the study seeks to enhance the evidence base on how social protection systems can scale up in response to shocks, minimizing negative impacts and reducing the need for separate humanitarian responses. This working paper, the third in a series, focuses on community-level practices and perceptions of social protection in the Sahel, examining both formal and informal risk management mechanisms. It offers valuable insights into how community-sensitive shock-responsive social protection can integrate with local practices to create a more cohesive and effective response system