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Self-Learning Booklet: Understanding Masculinities and Violence Against Women and Girls

UN Women
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Literature Review | Training and Workshop Materials

This booklet was developed by the UN Women Training Centre as the result of a series of training courses that aim to strengthen the capacities of development practitioners and advocates to understand, integrate and address critical gender issues in their work and lives. Specifically, Masculinities and Violence Against Women and Girls is a supplementary tool developed and provided by UN Women Training Centre to assist both UN and non-UN staff to better understand issues of masculinities in relation to work on violence against girls and women, and gender equality more broadly. In providing a basic introduction to issues of masculinities, this booklet is targeted broadly. Its intended audience is practitioners and advocates working in development and humanitarian agencies and settings, whether they have a particular expertise in or responsibility for work on violence against girls and women, and gender equality, or not. Masculinities, in common with other gender issues, affect everyone’s lives and work. Wherever you work, and whatever you do, you will be facing issues of masculinities on a daily basis.