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Mid-Term Evaluation of the Enyanya Development Food Security Activity in the DRC

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Evaluations and Research

In September 2016, the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Office of Food for Peace (FFP) issued an award to Mercy Corps (MC) Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to implement a Development Food Security Activity (DFSA). It is a five-year activity (October 2016 to September 2021) with a budget of $38 million, being carried out in the South Kivu province. The overall program goal of the South Kivu Food Security Project (FSP)-Enyanya is to “improve food and nutrition security and economic well-being of vulnerable households in South Kivu.”

The mid-term evaluation (MTE) aimed to assess the quality of program service delivery, identify evidence of changes to date due to FSP-Enyanya’s interventions, assess the quality, relevance and efficacy of FSP-Enyanya’s design, assess the degree and benefits of efficacious coordination, collaboration, and convergence with locally-based partners and external organizations, assess early evidence of sustainability produced by FSP-Enyanya interventions, assess the appropriateness and quality of the R&I approach, determine the appropriateness and effectiveness of interventions focused on cross-cutting themes and recommend adjustments to FSP-Enyanya implementation or design.

Click here to access the brief.