Interim Evaluation of the South Kivu Food Security Project (FSP)-Enyanya Resilience Food Security Activity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
To assist vulnerable populations of South Kivu, the United States Bureau for International Development’s (USAID) Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) awarded Mercy Corps the implementation of a 5-year Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) from September 2016–September 2021, and later granted a 2-year extension through 2023. The South Kivu Food Security Project (FSP)-Enyanya RFSA operates in three health zones (Kalehe (territory of Kalehe), Miti-Murhésa, and Katana (territory of Kabare) with a life of award budget of approximately $62 million. The FSP-Enyanya RFSA’s overall goal is “improved food and nutrition security and economic well-being of vulnerable households in South Kivu” and targets approximately 36,000 households.
In 2021, under the USAID BHA Implementer-Led Evaluation and Learning (IMPEL) Associate Award with Save the Children, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (Tulane) was subcontracted to conduct an interim evaluation, including a population-based survey (PBS) and a resilience assessment of the FSP-Enyanya RFSA.