Impact Evaluation: Okhokelamo Ni Solha Resilience Food Security Activity in Mozambique
Save the Children and its partners—Associação Nacional de Extensão Rural, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, Rede Homens pela Mudança, Kukumbi, and PCI Media—launched the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance-funded Okhokelamo ni Solha Resilience Food Security Activity on September 28, 2022. The 5-year activity seeks to “sustainably improve nutrition outcomes for children under 2 years of age in Zambezia.” The program will take a life-stages approach to strengthen the skills, capacity, agency, resilience, and confidence of women and adolescent girls, while also engaging adolescent boys, husbands, fathers, and the community at large for collective action to achieve this goal. Okhokelamo ni Solha plans to reach 1,157,575 participants (members of vulnerable and very vulnerable households) in six districts (Ile, Morrumbala, Mulevala, Alto Molocue, Mocuba, and Derre) of Zambezia Province.
Baseline Study
Coming Soon...