Impact Evaluation: Ayiti pi Djanm Resilience Food Security Activity in Haiti
In Haiti, chronic malnutrition or stunted growth affects one in five children (22%), and hidden hunger related to poor quality diets persists across many populations nationally. Aytiti Pi Djanm (“a Stronger Haiti”) is a five-year project that is reaching nearly 90,000 participants and more than 17,000 households across 11 communes in the Sud and Nord-Est departments of Haiti to improve food and nutrition security and resilience to shocks. Recognizing that families exist in a larger social environment and do not build resilience alone, the consortium led by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is partnering with communities to build resilience capacities at the household and community levels, as well as transformative capacity at structural levels. The project features an innovative market system approach that uses Title II commodities to catalyze private sector investments that will help develop locally produced foods and create new agricultural livelihood opportunities. The E3 Nutrition lab will be conducting the formative research for Aytiti Pi Djanm.
Baseline Study
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