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Guidelines for Joint Learning and Mutual Capacity Strengthening Before, During, and After Transition

Stopping As Success
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Technical Guidance

This resource is meant to provide general principles and advice to practitioners at the INGO and local level, drawn from 20 case studies of INGOs and local organizations. Guidance is meant to assist with planning and implementation of learning and capacity-strengthening activities during responsible transitions, such that they enable locally-led development. This document addresses familiar challenges to capacity strengthening and new challenges drawn from case interviews. Both require appropriate redress if a transition is to be deemed ‘responsible.’

For simplicity, in many instances this document directly addresses ‘INGOs;’ however, those using the guidance may take the liberty to tailor advice as appropriate. Finally, this guidance is not sector-specific. Meaning, guidelines are meant to be organizational and relational – more broadly applicable -- rather than tailored to a specific type of programming.